view of a sidewalk with trees on the left and suburban houses on the right

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Filing an insurance claim after a car crash

There are many steps to take after a collision, which can be confusing and overwhelming. This is especially true if there were injuries involved or if there is some confusion as to who was at fault. South Carolina residents may wonder how best to communicate with their insurance companies after...

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3 tips for staying active after an injury

Suffering an injury due to someone else’s negligence in South Carolina is devastating. If you are the type of person who stays active, your injury downtime can be frustrating. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to find ways to stay active and keep in shape...

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What is ‘microsleep?’

When a driver dozes off for even a second, catastrophic consequences can ensue. They can swerve into another lane or fail to stop when the vehicle ahead of them does. They may not see a pedestrian or bicyclist entering their path. There’s a term for brief episodes of dozing off,...

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