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Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers In Georgetown, SC

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We Hold Nursing Homes Accountable For Injuries That Could Have Been Avoided

Families place a loved one in a nursing home because that person needs more care than they can give. They trust the nursing home will provide high-quality care. Because families place so much trust in nursing homes and skilled care facilities, it can be devastating when those facilities’ actions are abusive or neglectful.

The experienced trial attorneys at Oxner & Stacy Law Firm LLC, in Georgetown and Pawleys Island, South Carolina, hold nursing homes accountable for injuries caused by abuse and neglect. They are aggressive litigators and skilled negotiators who are dedicated to protecting your interests and the interests of those you care about.

Investigating A Nursing Home Injury

Nursing home residents experience a wide range of injuries while under nursing home care:

At first, it may seem unclear whether these nursing home injuries are due to abuse or neglect. Most nursing home staff will never tell you that the injuries are due to a problem. In addition to keeping a close eye on the person injured, look for changes in the way the staff treats you as well. Changes in their behavior may be clues that the injuries are due to nursing home abuse or neglect — not accidents or normal illnesses.

We Will Help You Determine If A Lawsuit Makes Sense

If you believe that your loved one may be the victim of nursing home neglect or abuse, talk to an attorney about the situation. Attorneys at Oxner & Stacy Law Firm LLC, can give you some insight into the situation, helping you understand how South Carolina laws on nursing home abuse and neglect may affect you and your family.

Talking directly with a lawyer at Oxner & Stacy Law Firm LLC, is the best way to get accurate legal advice that works for your needs and the needs of the nursing home resident you care about. Contact the law firm at one of their two office locations in Georgetown or Pawleys Island by calling 843-527-8020 or 843-235-6747.