Summer driving: The risks you face each day
Summer is a great time to go out and have fun with family and friends, but it’s also a threat to those on the road. Summer driving isn’t just dangerous because there are more people on the roads. The addition of teens with new licensing, the possibility of dehydration and heat exhaustion behind the wheel and other issues make summer a dangerous time as well.
July and August are two of the most dangerous months during the year, leading to the most deaths compared to any other. Why are the roads so dangerous, though, and is there anything that can be done to prevent crashes?
Summer is primarily dangerous because of increased traffic. However, the risk of dehydration from the sun hitting you on long drives or the risk of heat exhaustion from being in a car with no air conditioning is a reality. The roads are also shared with more bicyclists, pedestrians and motorcyclists, who have a higher risk of death if they’re involved in a crash.
To lower the risk of a crash, drivers need to be cautious when they’re on the roads. Avoiding distractions is the first tip. Wearing safety belts also helps you stay in your seat if you’re hit. Even better, remember to take regular breaks and rest, so you’re not behind the wheel when you’re tired.
Our site has more information about the dangers of motor vehicle accidents and what you can do if you’ve suffered injuries. Drivers who make errors behind the wheel should be held accountable for their actions, so you can be fairly compensated.