Is distracted driving very dangerous?
You may not believe that distracted driving is very dangerous, but it can become a life-threatening risk in just moments. As of April 1, 2018, 189 people have been killed as a result of distracted driving in South Carolina. The good news about this is that it’s 59 fewer deaths than the same time in 2017, when a total of 248 people had died.
South Carolina is believed to have some of the most dangerous roads in America. Approximately 10 people are killed each day in America because of distracted driving, and approximately 60 deaths of the 248 that took place by April of 2017 were attributed to distractions as well.
The reality is that drivers who talk on a cellphone are increasing their risk of being in a crash. Using voice-based and touchscreen features while driving can distract you for up to 40 seconds, taking your eyes off the roads and hands off the wheel for far too long. Of course, most significant is the risk involved with texting behind the wheel. Texting increases your chance of being in a crash by more than two times.
It’s not easy to avoid the distractions available to you today. It’s important that you try, though, because keeping your eyes and focus on the roads is key to staying safe no matter where you drive. If you’re hit by someone who isn’t paying attention, then it’s likely you can hold him or her responsible for your injuries and the damages to your vehicle. Distractions have no place on the roads.
Source: The Times and Democrat, “Distracted driving is deadly real,” April 09, 2018