Watch out for these 3 signs of nursing home negligence
When you place a loved one in a nursing home, it’s important to know that he or she is being cared for. If you find that your loved one is not being taken care of, you may be in a position to file a medical malpractice or nursing home neglect case for your loved one’s injuries.
There are signs of nursing home negligence you can look out for. They may include poor hygiene, physical ailments from a lack of nutrition, a loss of mobility and others.
One of the most easily recognizable issues is a lack of hygiene. When it comes to a nursing home, it’s often up to the nursing care provider to help the individual into and out of the shower. Some people may even need assistance washing. Additionally, the facility needs to wash your loved one’s clothing regularly and keep the bedding clean. Kitchens and other areas should be kept sanitary at all times.
Physical ailments caused by a lack of nutrition may also be a sign of neglect. Some elderly individuals forget about lunch or dinner, but it’s up to the staff to remind them or bring the meal to their rooms. Failing to do so can lead to illness and a decline in health overall.
Finally, a sudden lack of mobility can be a sign of trouble. If your loved one goes into the nursing home walking but suddenly is unable to get up on his or her own, it may be because no one is taking the time to help him or her get exercise or use his or her muscles. A strong staff helps make sure your loved one stays moving as much as possible.
These are a few potential signs of nursing home abuse. If you notice them, your attorney can help you file a claim to protect your loved one.
Source: NextAvenue, “6 Signs of Nursing Home Neglect,” Sarah Blanchard, accessed June 20, 2017